“It’s as if he saw the heart of every person”[1]
"In the past, almost all members of our family had a spiritual connection to this land."[1] This sentence from the von Witzleben family history denotes the link between Hude and Field Marshal Erwin von Witzleben. The memorial at Hude is meant not only as a marker of the family burial place, but also as a symbol conveying that such a connection should be a mutual one.
Job Wilhelm Georg Erdmann Erwin von Witzleben, was born in 1881, the son of a military family in Breslau (now Wroclaw/Poland), and belonged to the Elgersburger line of an extended family that has its origin in 11th century Thuringia. His training and education saw him in cadet schools in Wahlstatt, Silesia, and Berlin-Lichterfelde.
He would become a member of the Prussian Army continuing a tradition that began with the service of his great-great grandfather, Albrecht von Witzleben, under Frederick the Great. After entering the Prussian Army, as a staff officer in World War I, he took over as captain in 1919, where he would continue his career in various stations and ultimately as commander of the army’s 1st regiment and the army Group D as Field Marshal. On July 21st, 1944, he was arrested as a "co-conspirator" to an assassination attempt on Hitler and sentenced on the 8th of August of that year as the highest ranking soldier of Roland Freisler.